New Issue/Les nouveautés
- [DPRK(North Korea)] New Issue: Tok Islet of Korea
- [DPRK(North Korea)] Past Issue: New Year Address
- [DPRK(North Korea)] New Issue: WWF - Red-crowned crane
- [TAIWAN] New issue: 100th Anniversary of the Taipei Zoo Commemorative Issue
- [TAIWAN] New Issue: National Taiwan Library 100th Anniversary Commemorative Issue
- [TAIWAN] New issue: Alpine Lakes of Taiwan Postage Stamps (I)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
FDC from South Korea/FDC de Coree du Sud
Le 60ème Anniversaire de L'infanterie de marine de République de la Corée
"Often referred to as the “Marine Corps that captures even ghosts” or the “Invincible Marin Corps,” the Republic of Korea Marine Corps celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. The Republic of Korea Marine Corps that has engendered the myth that “once they begin a fight, they never fail to achieve victory!” was established in 1949 from the need to implement “dual land-and-water operations” due to the geographic characteristics of the Korean peninsula, with three sides of the nation surrounded by the sea. The Marine Corps has fought for its fatherland and maintained peace, distinguishing itself by bravery in numerous battles during the Korean War, Vietnam War, etc. During the past 60 years, it has also contributed to world peace by being dispatched to Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, India, Pakistan, Djibouti, etc., not to speak of conducting a wide variety of activities to defend the nation’s territory. As well shown by the phrase “once you are a marine, you are a marine forever,” protecting the “fatherland” and the “nation’s people” are the mission for the Marine Corps. Whenever the nation has faced difficulties, all marines who have served with distinction never failed to rise to the occasion to show indomitable commitment to protecting the nation. In celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps, it is hoped that their robust and brave spirit of love for their country will last forever. The new stamp features the Marine Corps engaged in a coordinated landing operation with the Korea Amphibious Armored Vehicle (KAAV), Dokdoham (Landing Platform Helicopter) and helicopters. Reflecting the symbol of the Marine Corps, the octagonal hat, the new stamp is issued as an octagon-shaped stamp."-Korea Post
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
FDC from Poland/FDC de la Pologne
EUROPA2009-L'Année internationale d'Astronomie
EUROPE 2009. The International Year of Astronomy
It is fairly common to regard astronomy as a pre-science, since the contemplations of the nature and behaviour of celestial bodies gave rise to some of the oldest theories on the structure of our world. In this cosmologic shape, astronomy was the father of philosophy (in particular the Greek one), which, in turn, allowed more specific branches of knowledge to develop.
The year 2009 was proclaimed the International Year of Astronomy by the United Nations, an idea that came from the International Astronomy Union (IAU) which this way wanted to commemorate certain important anniversaries. To begin with, it was 400 years ago that Galileo first used a telescope to gaze at the sky. The invention was a breakthrough and the discoveries it allowed are now the foundations of astronomy. Also in 2009, 40 years will have passed since the first man set foot on the Moon, and 90 years since the IAU was established.
"Discover your Universe", the motto of the International Year of Astronomy, makes us realise that a passion for astronomy is not restricted to scientists, but is shared by many ordinary people who watch the sky for pleasure. The infinite Universe is now within reach of any curious eye, and its mysteries stand ready to by explored using only a telescope and a computer. For the convenience of the hobbyists, this year's celebrations will include various committees for the organisation of educational schemes, shows, exhibitions and the like.
Astronomy in Poland
It's probably not common knowledge that the star of Nicolas Copernicus was not the first one to shine in the history of Polish astronomy. In 15th century the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, despite its relatively short tradition, earned itself the title of the best centre of studies in astronomy throughout Europe owing to the research of such scholars as Marcin Bylica and Wojciech z Brudzewa. Even though the academic level of the university deteriorated in the years to come, it became known all over Europe again thanks to the achievements of two researchers born in the city of Gdańsk - Jan Heweliusz and Stanisław Lubienicki, especially with the results of their observations of the Moon and the comets. Although the loss of independence marked a significant break in the development of sciences in Poland, the community of astronomers revived shortly after World War I ended with a new tool - the outstandingly effective and widely used theory of the cracovians, developed by another Polish scholar, Tadeusz Banachiewicz. More recently, that is in the second half of 20th century, the work of Bohdan Paczyński, who discovered the gamma radiation and worked out its theory, gained worldwide renown. That was only matched by the recent discovery made by Aleksander Wolszczan, a Polish astronomer who spotted the first planet outside our Solar System, revolving around a dying neutron star.
FDC from Croatia/FDC de la Croatie
Sunday, May 17, 2009
FDC from Japan/FDC du Japon
La série de Scènes de Voyage 5ème-Nara, la région de Parc de Nara
(1)(2)Tōdai-ji 東大寺
(3)Kōfuku-ji 興福寺
(4)Nara National Museum奈良国立博物館
(5)(6)Kasuga Shrine 春日大社
(7)Mount Wakakusa 若草山
(9)(10)Nara Park 奈良公園
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Cover from Nagorno-Karabakh/enveloppe du Haut-Karabagh
"The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR)(Armenian: Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի Հանրապետություն Lernayin Gharabaghi Hanrapetut’yun) or Artsakh Republicis a de facto independent republic located in the Nagorno-Karabakh region (or Artsakh region) of the South Caucasus, about 270 kilometers (170 miles) west of the Azerbaijani capital of Baku and very close to the border with Armenia.
The predominantly Armenian-populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh became disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan when both countries gained independence from the Russian Empire in 1918. After the Soviet Union established control over the area, in 1923 it formed the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) within the Azerbaijan SSR. In the final years of the Soviet Union, the region re-emerged as a source of dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, culminating in the Nagorno-Karabakh War fought from 1988 to 1994.
On December 10, 1991, as the Soviet Union was collapsing, a referendum held in the NKAO and the neighboring Shahumian region resulted in a declaration of independence from Azerbaijan as the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. The country remains unrecognized by any international organization or country, including Armenia.
Since the ceasefire in 1994, most of Nagorno-Karabakh and several regions of Azerbaijan around it remain under the joint Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh military control. Representatives of the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan have since been holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group."-wiki
"Le Haut-Karabagh (ou Haut-Karabakh, transcrit du russe) est une région de Transcaucasie enclavée en Azerbaïdjan.
Le Haut-Karabagh est peuplé majoritairement d'Arméniens et a déclaré son indépendance de l'Azerbaïdjan. La communauté internationale ne reconnaît pas l'indépendance du Haut-Karabagh et considère qu'il fait partie de l'Azerbaïdjan. Sa superficie est d'environ 5 000 km² et sa capitale est Stepanakert.
Le Haut-Karabagh était autonome pendant la période soviétique mais rattaché à la République socialiste soviétique d'Azerbaïdjan. Depuis la fin de l'URSS, il lutte pour son indépendance ou son rattachement à l'Arménie. Il a un gouvernement et revendique le titre de « République du Karabagh ». Les hostilités entre les Arméniens et l'armée azérie ont cessé depuis une trêve négociée par la Russie le 12 mai 1994."-wiki
FDC from Algeria/FDC de L'Algérie
Journée Nationale des Personnes Handicapées
Le nombre de personnes invalides connaît une constante croissance. Cette catégorie de personnes constitue environ 10% de la population du monde, soit l'équivalent de 500 millions d'handicapés physiques et mentaux.
Le Monde Arabe compte une moyenne de 15 % de personnes handicapées sur sa population. En Algérie, l'Office Nationale des Statistiques recense 1,8 million de d'invalides.
A l'instar des personnes valides, l'Etat Algérien a déployé les efforts nécessaires pour la prise en charge des personnes handicapées en leur garantissant tous les moyens matériels et financiers leur permettant de s'intégrer sur les plans professionnel et social, et de S'inscrire pleinement et efficacement dans le processus du développement national.
Ainsi, cette catégorie de personnes n'a pas cessé d'occuper la place qui lui revient en s'imposant notamment dans le domaine du sport. En effet, la sélection algérienne de l'handisport fur le meilleur ambassadeur qui, à travers ses multiples réalisations, a pu représenter dignement et honorablement l'Algérie lors des différentes manifestations sportives internationales.
Suite à sa participation aux Jeux Olympiques organisés en 2004 à Athènes (Grèce), l'équipe algérienne de l'handisport a récolté un total de 13 médailles dont 6 médailles d'or, 2 médailles d'argent et 5 médailles de bronze.
Ce ne fut pas le seul succès puisque, quatre ans plus tard, lors des jeux de la 29ème olympiade qu'a abrité la capitale chinoise, Pékin, les athlètes algériens de la catégorie en question ont été également couronnés par un total de 15 médailles parmi lesquelles figurent 4 médailles d'or, 3 médailles d'argent et 8 médailles de bronze.
Le mérite de la création de l'handisport en revient au médecin et professeur anglais, Ludwig Guttman, qui a organisé le 22 juillet 1948 en Grande Bretagne, les premiers jeux de l'handisport. De nos jours, les paralympiques compte 23 jeux reconnus officiellement dont 19 jeux d'été et 4 jeux d'hiver, adaptés aux différents types d'handicapes.
L'Algérie a proclamé la date du 14 Mars de chaque année « journée nationale des personnes handicapées ». La commémoration de cette journée vient confirmer la consécration du principe relatif à la protection et à la promotion des personnes handicapées.
La célébration de la journée nationale des personnes handicapés vise à promouvoir une meilleure compréhension des problèmes liés à l'handicape et à mobiliser toutes les énergies afin d'assurer le respect de la dignité, des droits et du bien être des personnes handicapées.