Tuesday, March 30, 2010

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

135th Anniversary of Founding of The Universal Postal Union/
Le 135ème Anniversaire de Fondation de l'Union Postale Universelle

A commemorative stamp reflecting the logo of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the transport means which are being used for postal communication wes issued to mark the 135th Anniversary of Founding of UPU.
The D.P.R. of Korea was admitted to the Union in Juche 63 (1974).

Monday, March 29, 2010

FDC from Algeria/FDC de L'Algerie

40th Anniversary of the establishment of the Company "Algerian Electricity and Gas (Sonelgaz)"/
40° Anniversaire de la création de la Société "Algérienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz (Sonelgaz)"

SONELGAZ 40 years in the service of economic and social development.

On July 28, 2009, SONELGAZ celebrating its fortieth anniversary.

The celebration of this anniversary comes at a particular context, that of completing the process of transforming into a Sonelgaz Industrial Group started as early as 2002, following the promulgation of the law on electricity and gas distribution by pipeline (Act 02-01 of 05 February 2002).

Large utility, Sonelgaz was from 1969 until early 2002, the incumbent in the areas of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and transmission and distribution gas by pipeline.

Today, Sonelgaz is a group comprised of 39 companies (including six in participation) activating in the fields of electricity generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and gas as well as in areas of the Engineering, new information technologies and communication services in general but also in the areas of work for the achievement of energy infrastructure.

Since its inception, Sonelgaz has faced several challenges. The first was to assume, by means of post-independence era, the public service management and operation of an industrial tool vital to the life of the nation. Group Sonelgaz now a total staff of over 60 000 employees.

Thus, several generations have been to ensure the development and implement major projects to ensure meeting the growing needs of Algeria in a full economic and social growth.

Through programs of major investment and a determined government, small towns and villages, whether in the deep south or in mountainous areas have benefited from the power and convenience of accessing the modern life as well as the inhabitants of large cities.

As rural electrification in the past, programs for public distribution of gas exceptional size are used to supply the majority of regions including the most remote centers of Algeria.

These programs have helped to raise, to date, the rate of electricity coverage to 98% and the penetration of natural gas to 43%. These rates reflect the 40 years of activity of Sonelgaz serving the country's development and well being.

SONELGAZ, 40 années au service du développement économique et social du pays.

Le 28 juillet 2009, SONELGAZ célèbre son quarantième anniversaire.

La célébration de cet anniversaire intervient dans un contexte particulier, celui du parachèvement du processus de transformation de Sonelgaz en un Groupe Industriel entamé, dès 2002, suite à la promulgation de la loi sur l'électricité et la distribution du gaz par canalisations (loi n°02-01 du 05 février 2002).

Grand service public, Sonelgaz a été, de 1969 jusqu’au début de l'an 2002, l'opérateur historique dans les domaines de la production, du transport et de la distribution de l'électricité ainsi que du transport et de la distribution du gaz par canalisations.

Aujourd'hui, Sonelgaz est un Groupe constitué de 39 sociétés (dont six en participation) activant dans les domaines de la production de l'électricité, le transport et la distribution de l'électricité et du gaz ainsi que dans les domaines de l'Engineering, des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, des services de façon générale mais également dans les domaines des travaux pour la réalisation des infrastructures énergétiques.

Depuis sa création, Sonelgaz a eu à relever plusieurs défis. Le premier a été de prendre en charge, par les moyens de l'époque postindépendance, la gestion du service public et l'exploitation d'un outil industriel vital pour la vie de la nation. Le Groupe Sonelgaz compte aujourd'hui un effectif global de plus de 60 000 employés.

Ainsi, plusieurs générations se sont succédées pour assurer le développement et réaliser de grands projets afin d’assurer la satisfaction des besoins grandissants d'une Algérie en pleine croissance économique et sociale.

Grâce à des programmes d'investissement d'envergure et à une volonté déterminée des pouvoirs publics, les petites agglomérations et villages, qu'ils soient dans le grand sud ou dans les régions montagneuses ont bénéficié de l'énergie électrique et accédé au confort de la vie moderne au même titre que les habitants des grandes villes.

Comme l'électrification rurale dans le passé, des programmes de distribution publique du gaz de dimension exceptionnelle sont mis en œuvre pour alimenter la majorité des régions y compris les centres les plus reculées de l'Algérie.

Ces programmes ont permis de hisser, à ce jour, le taux de couverture en électricité à 98% et le taux de pénétration du gaz naturel à 43%. Ces taux reflètent les 40 années d'activité de Sonelgaz au service du développement du pays et du bien être des populations.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

FDC from Vietnam/FDC du Vietnam


Rhododendron (from the Greek: rhodos, "rose", and dendron, "tree") is a genus of flowering plants in the family Ercaceae.

It is a large genus with over 1000 species which very rich variety of types, sizes and colors. They are only natural distribution in high mountain areas, where climate is cool.

In the world, Rhododendron is a very widely distributed genus, occurring throughout most of Northern America in temperate zone, extending into the highland of Asia-Euro-Eastern Asia and with other significant areas of diversity in Japan and North Korea. Rhododendrons have not been found in South America or Africa.

In Viet Nam, Rhododendrons occur in Tam Dao, Bạch Mã, Bà Nà National Park and many species diversity in Đà Lạt. The highest species diversity is found in Sapa.- Hoàng Liên National Park that is considered as one of the biggest Rhododendron Garden with 32 species of ericaceous.

Rhododendrons with its tender fineness are used extensively as ornamental plants in landscaping in many parts of the world.

It is the National Flower of Nepal and also the State Flower of West Virginia and Washington in America.

500d: Rhododendron fortunei Lindl.
1,200d: Rhododendron simsii Planch.
4,500d: Rhododendron sp.
14,500d: Enkianthus quinqueflorus Lour.

Friday, March 26, 2010

FDC from Algeria/FDC de L'Algerie


A worthy heir to his elders, heroes dune hard won independence, Algeria's youth was marked by a succession up to the hopes placed in it.

The contribution to the achievement of major projects such as dam green in the past in the fight against desertification and rural development as well as Transaharienne route de l'OAU has shown over a title.

Today, the era of globalization, new opportunities open to young people, with the development of entrepreneurship where the emergence of a considerable number of micro enterprises to be taken into real economic burden.

On the other hand access to new technologies and control especially in the field of digital technology and the enthusiasm of young people will in the near future an actual breakthrough in the modern technological world.

It is true that despite considerable efforts by the Algerian state-level education all combined cycles and vocational training, much remains to be done to meet the expectations of the youth especially in employment. This problem is exacerbated by the economic shocks that have shaken the world will certainly find solutions in many devices support reuse, initiated by the government, allowing the integration of young people into working life and thus meet their ambitions .

Certainly, despite the vagaries of sometimes difficult circumstances, the Algerian youth has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to meet challenges and move forward confidently into a better future and a renewed hope.

Digne héritière de ses aînés, héros dune indépendance chèrement acquise, la jeunesse algérienne s'est distinguée par une relève à la hauteur des espoirs placés en elle.

La contribution à la réalisation de projets d'envergure tels que le barrage vert, par le passé, dans le cadre de la lutte contre la désertification et le développement rural ainsi que la transaharienne, route de l'unité africaine l'a démontré à plus d'un titre.

Aujourd'hui, à l'heure de la mondialisation, de nouvelles perspectives s'ouvrent à la jeunesse, avec le développement de l'esprit d'entreprise d'où l'émergence d’un nombre considérable de micro entreprises permettant une prise en charge économique réelle.

D'autre part l'accès aux technologies nouvelles et leur maîtrise notamment dans le domaine du numérique et l'engouement des jeunes permettront dans un avenir proche une percée effective dans le monde technologique moderne.

Il est vrai que malgré les efforts considérables consentis par l'Etat algérien au niveau de l'enseignement tous cycles confondus et de la formation professionnelle, beaucoup reste à faire pour répondre aux attentes de cette jeunesse et particulièrement en matière d'emploi. Ce problème, aggravé par les crises économiques successives qui ont secoué le monde, trouvera certainement les solutions dans les nombreux dispositifs de soutien à remploi, initiés par les pouvoirs publics, permettant l'insertion des jeunes dans la vie active et répondre ainsi à leurs ambitions.

Certes, malgré les aléas de conjonctures parfois difficiles, la jeunesse algérienne a démontré à maintes reprises sa capacité à relever les défis et à aller de l'avant confiante en un avenir meilleur et un espoir toujours renouvelé.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

Public Health Work/Travail de Santé publique

The DPRK's socialist public healthcare system set by President Kim Il Sung is the most people-oriented system which embodies the people-centred Juche idea.
Thanks to the people-oriented public health policy of our Party and State our people have been beaefitting from the free and preventive treatment throughout their life.
12 won stamp: Preventive medicine
150 won stamp: Free medical care

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FDC from Germany/FDC de l'Allemagne

1000 years Mainz Cathedral Consecration/
1000 années Cathédrale de Mayence Consécration

With its six towers, rises the impressive Cathedral St. Martin Mainz in the Old Town. This was today's symbol of the city 1000 years ago a disastrous start. On the very day of his consecration, the end of August 1009, burnt down the cathedral and only the two powerful Bronzetürflügel of the portal market today have been preserved. Immediately, the then Archbishop Willigis began to rebuild the cathedral, which was finally consecrated in 1036 by Archbishop Bardo, so called the oldest part of the present church building as Willigis-Bardo Cathedral. The cathedral is marked by different styles due to demolitions and reconstructions, and by changes in the style of architecture over the centuries.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

FDC from Croatia/FDC de la Croatie


3.50HRK: Adriatic Sturgeon - Latin Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836. Foreign names: Adriatic Sturgeon (English); Adriastör (German); Storione del Naccari (Italian) The Adriatic Sturgeon is an endemic species of the Adriatic Sea and the sub-Adriatic rivers. Its habitats are the rivers of northern Italy and in Croatia it is found in the river mouths of the rivers flowing into the Adriatic Sea. It is more common in the northern Adriatic and ranges along the eastern Adriatic coast all the way to Albania. It is a rare species. The Adriatic Sturgeon may grow up to 2000 mm in length and reach the weight of 25 kg, although it is usually considerably smaller. Its body is elongated and spindle-shaped and is not covered with scales but with bony plates or scutes, extending along the body in five rows. Hence the name of the subclass, Chondrostei, chondrosteans. Their back is olive-green and brown, the sides are lighter in colour and their belly is white. The top of the head is a projecting wedge-shaped snout, broad and relatively short, and with the rounded tip. The Adriatic Sturgeon has a small inferior, i.e. subterminal moth (mouth posterior to the tip of the snout). The lips are meaty and the lower one is interrupted in the middle. Adult sturgeons are toothless and in the young ones they are stunted. Their eyes are small and poorly developed, so that their barbels are important tactile organs for the detection of food on the river bottom. The barbels are found on the lower side of the snout, closer to its tip rather than to the mouth. The first rays of pectoral fins are strong and bony. The dorsal fin is located far on the back and the caudal fin is asymmetric (heterocercal). The Adriatic Sturgeon feeds on invertebrates from the bottom and small fishes. The Adriatic Sturgeon is an anadromous species: it lives in the sea and migrates to fresh water (rivers) to breed. It is a long-living species that grows slowly. In the beginning it grows rather fast and at the end of its second year it reaches about 0.5 m in length and weighs approximately 1 kg. However, to reach 1 m in length and the mass of 8 to 9 kg, it takes another 10 years. The males are capable of reproduction between the age of six and eight years, and the females between the age of eight and twelve years. It spawns in the spring, from March to May. The female spawns once in two to four years and the male once a year or every second year. After hatching the young fishes migrate to the sea, where they grow up. There is few information about the biology of this species. The flesh of the Adriatic Sturgeon is used for food but their roe is not processed into caviar. The Adriatic Sturgeon is a demersal species inhabiting freshwater, brackish water and seawaters of the Adriatic. It lives in the sea, at places with silty or sandy bottom. It mostly stays close to the river mouths, up to a depth of 40 m, although it sometimes goes deeper. The Adriatic Sturgeon is threatened by the pollution of watercourses and partition of rivers, which prevents their migrations. Another great problem is overfishing of still growing fishes. It occurs very rarely in the nature and the populations are slowly growing. According to the IUCN Red List, this species is Critically Endangered (CR) in Croatia. Pursuant to the existing protection based on the law, the Adriatic Sturgeon is a strictly protected species. The international protection documents mentioning this species are the Bern Convention (Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats) (Appendix II), the Washington Convention (The Washington Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – CITES) (CITES II) and the European Habitats Directive (the Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Appendix II and V).

5.00HRK: Visovac Goby - Latin Knipowitschia mrakovcici Miller, 1990. (nomen nudum) Foreign names: Visovac Goby (English); Visovac Grundel (German) The Visovac Goby occurs only in Croatia, in Visovac Lake on the Krka river. This fish was named after a Croatian ichthyologist, Professor Milorad Mrakovčić, Ph.D., who discovered and recognised it as a new species in 1989. The Visovac Goby has the elongated body and laterally flattened to the tail. There are few scales, only on the sides and the tail. Males are slightly bigger and heavier than females on average and have more than 10 transversal stripes on the sides. Dimorphism is very visible during the spawning season, when the males have darker heads and fins. The Visovac Goby can reach 45 mm in length. The information about the biology of this species is very sparse. The spawning season ranges from early spring to September, and the reproductively mature population spawns several times during that period. The male makes a nest in which it stays during spawning and after spawning it protects it aggressively, defending the ova until hatching of the fry. The Visovac Goby feeds on nutrients found on the bottom, mostly small water invertebrates. Its life span is short. The Visovac Goby is a demersal, freshwater fish inhabiting the silty, sandy and gravel bottom of Visovac Lake on the Krka river. It has a small movement range. Due to its exceptionally limited habitat, the Visovac Goby belongs to the category of endangered species, sensitive to eutrofication, i.e. the quantity of nutrients in the water, pollution and all other changes in its habitat. According to the IUCN Red List, this species is Endangered (EN) in Croatia. Pursuant to the existing protection based on the law, the Visovac Goby is a strictly protected species.

5.00HRK: Danubian Bream - Latin: Ballerus sapa (Pallas, 1814) Foreign names: Danubian Bream, White-eye Bream (English); Zobel (German) The body of the Danubian Bream is laterally flattened and relatively high. The most conspicuous on its small head is the size of the eyes. The eyes are equal in diameter or bigger than the distance from the rostrum to the beginning of the eye. This does not apply to young fishes, in which the eyes are not a determination feature. The mouth is small and semi-inferior. The back is dark blue to greenish and the sides and the belly is silver. The anal fin is extremely long and extends to the tail and its base is three times longer than the base of the dorsal fin. The length of the anal fin covers one third of the body length. The outer edge may be darker. During the spawning season, males have skin warts on the body and fins. The scales are of medium size and there can be 47 to 54 of them in the lateral strip. The Danubian Bream usually reaches the length of 15 to 25 cm, or maximum 40 cm, and the mass of approximately 1 kg. Young fishes feed on zooplankton, whereas the adults feed on larvae of insects, molluscs and small crabs, and sometimes also on aquatic plants. It reaches breeding maturity in its third or fourth year. It spawns in April and May. Females lay up to 150 000 eggs on aquatic plants. They live in schools and are more active during the night. The Danubian Bream inhabits big lowland rivers, estuaries and backwaters. Its favourite spawning locations are more peaceful places in rivers with thick aquatic plants. Its habitats in Europe are the Danube basin and the rivers flowing into the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea, especially on the territories of the former Soviet Union. Its habitats in Croatia include the rivers flowing into the Danube: the Sava, the Drava and the Danube itself, as well as its bigger tributaries. The Danubian Bream is endangered by partitions, regulation and channelling of water streams, as well as by their pollution. According to the IUCN Red List, this species is Data Deficient (DD) in Croatia. Pursuant to the existing protection based on the law, the Danubian Bream is a strictly protected species. The international protection document mentioning this species is the Bern Convention (Appendix III).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

FDC from Taiwan/FDC du Taiwan

Scenery Postage Stamps-Kinmen/
Timbres de Paysage-Kinmen

Kinmen has great potential for tourism due to its special geographic location and its abundant cultural assets, war relics, and military structures, as well as natural ecological resources such as protected bird species. To introduce the unique cultural assets and built environment of Kinmen, Chunghwa Post plans a set of four stamps on the scenery of Kinmen. The designs of the stamps follow:

1. Guningtou (NT$5.00): Guningtou is located at the northwest corner of Kinmen and includes the villages of Beishan, Nanshan and Lincu. It became fortress of democracy and freedom after the Battle of Guningtou in 1949. The traditional buildings in Nanshan and Beishan villages were mostly constructed during the late Ming Dynasty. These buildings are famous cultural and historical sites and tourist attractions.

2. Zhaishan Tunnel (NT$9.00): Located in the southwest of Kinmen, the Tunnel is connecting to the Taiwan Strait. This underground Tunnel comprises two sections: a tunnel and a waterway. The tunnel part is about 100 meters long, 6 meters wide, and 3.5 meters high. The waterway section has a walkway with an attached dock for small boats to berth.

3. Qingtian Hall (NT$10.00): Located halfway up Mt. Taiwu, Qingtian Hall is a man-made underground granite cave. It is 50 meters long, 18 meters wide and 11 meters high. The project was so difficult that the late president Chiang Kai-shek gave it the name Qingtian Hall (“hall that holds up the sky”), which he inscribed on a rock wall in the cave.

4. Lake Taihu (NT$10.00): Being an island in the sea, fresh water is hard to come by in Kinmen. To meet household needs and support military readiness, the military has constructed many reservoirs of various sizes in Kinmen. Lake Taihu is one of them. Dug in 1966, it is about 36 hectares in area, and has a capacity of 114 metric tons of water.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

FDC fron Vietnam/FDC du Vietnam

Praying mantises/Les mantoptères

Praying Mantises or Praying Mantids are carnivorous insects that live in warm areas, camouflaging them among plants. There are about 2,000 species of mantis. Most mantises are pea green or brown. Like all insects, they have 6 jointed legs, 2 antennae, large compound eyes, a hard exoskeleton and a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen). Mantis can rotate their triangular-shaped head in almost a full circle. Most adult mantises are from 2 to 6 inches (5-15 cm) long. Females are larger than the males.

The natural life span of a Praying Mantis in the wild is about 10-12 months, but some have been known to live up to 14 months in captivity. The males sometimes die suddenly 2 or 3 weeks after mating.

Praying Mantises eat flies, aphids, moths, butterflies and many other insects (including other mantids). Praying Mantises are useful in gardens, since they control the insect population. They will only eat live insects.

Praying Mantises are eaten by bats, birds and wasps.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Stamp: Chinese Classic Novel “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” Postage Stamps (IV)/
Nouveau Timbre: Le roman historique chinois "L'histoire des Trois Royaumes" les Timbres (IV)

Issue Date: 29.04.2010

Chunghwa Post previously issued three sets of stamps in its Chinese Classic Novel “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” series. The first three sets were released on April 12, 2000, April 4, 2002; and June 23, 2005 respectively. Now it is following up with a fourth set and a souvenir sheet, featuring “Shooting An Arrow at the Halberd beside the Gate of the Camp,” “Commenting on Heroes over Wine,” “Zhou Yu’s Anger at Being Tricked by Zhuge Liang Three Times,” and “Holding Meng Huo Captive Seven Times.” The designs follow:

1. Shooting An Arrow at the Halberd beside the Gate of the Camp (NT$3.50)

From Chapter Sixteen. Yuan Shu sent Ji Ling to launch an attack on Liu Bei, who in turn went to Lu Bu for help. Lu came to the rescue and invited both sides to talk peace over a drink. Both Ji and Liu agreed that they would consent to a cease fire if Lu’s arrow could hit the little side prong of the halberd. The arrow hit right on target, thus resolving the crisis.

2. Commenting on Heroes over Wine (NT$3.50)

From Chapter Twenty-One. One day, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to his house to have a drink and enjoy the plum blossoms. During the drink, Cao talked freely about the state of political affairs. His declaration “Only you and I deserve to be called heroes” demonstrated his great judgment on others and his own ambition. Cao talked without restraint, while Liu felt perturbed and responded with great caution. The story provides a clear glimpse of their temperaments and characters as well as the state of affairs at the time.

3. Zhou Yu’s Anger at Being Tricked by Zhuge Liang Three Times (NT$5.00)

From Chapter Fifty-Six. Lu Su was entrusted with a mission to ask Liu Bei for returning Jingzhou. Zhuge Liang saw through the scheme and prepared appropriately. “It is hard to defeat the enemy when he is too strong and our calculations always come to naught in the end,” Zhou Yu lamented. He would die in remorse, not having fulfilled his expectations.

4. Holding Meng Huo Captive Seven Times (NT$20.00)

From Chapter Eighty-Seven to Ninety. The southern barbarian king Meng Huo led an army to invade Shu. There were constant battles along the border. To find a long-term solution, Zhuge Liang led an army himself on an expedition against Meng Huo. After capturing and releasing Meng seven times, Meng finally surrendered wholeheartedly.

FDC from Germany/FDC de l'Allemagne

100 years Hostels/100 années Auberges

Provide cheap, basic accommodation, young people, other people, countries and cultures get to know you: This is the aim of the youth hostels. The idea for the establishment of hostels had 1909 the elementary school teacher Richard Schirrmann (1874-1961), years ago, therefore amounts to 100. As early as 1912, he was able to open on the Sauerland Altena Castle in the first youth hostel. The idea of making an international school. Today establish Hostels in Germany 560 and a further 4,000 houses in 90 countries, a network of social clubs, which spans the world. In summary, they are in the youth hostel world association "Hostelling International". By pure hostels for young people, the houses also become popular holiday accommodation for families.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Stamp: Taiwanese Crabs Postage Stamps (Issue of 2010)/Nouveau Timbre : les Timbres de Crabes de Taiwanese (l'Édition de 2010)

Issue date:15.04.2010

To raise understanding about our coastal wildlife and to call for the public to pay more attention to marine ecology conservation, Chunghwa Post is following up with a third set of four stamps on Taiwan’s crabs, featuring Cardisoma carnifex, Scandarma lintou, Sesarmops intermedius, and Gecarcoidea lalandii. The designs follow:

1. Cardisoma carnifex (NT$5.00): This land crab has a reddish or grayish purple carapace, yellowish cream colored abdomen and claws, and orange walking legs. It has unequal-sized claws and long, slender, flat walking legs. It burrows in swamps near estuaries, under shrubs and in the walls of fish ponds in coastal areas.

2. Scandarma lintou (NT$5.00): The color of this sesarmid crab is similar to a dry fallen leaf. It has a smooth and square carapace that is slightly wider than long. The claws are almost equal in size. With its long and slender walking legs (the third pair of which is the longest), it is an excellent tree climber. Its name is derived from the Chinese for screw pine (lintou), which is where the crab was first discovered by Dr. Liu Hung-chang.

3. Sesarmops intermedius (NT$10.00): This sesarmid crab has an almost square-shaped carapace, and slightly unequal-sized claws. Its walking legs are flat with sharp terminal joints. It is bright red to dark red in color. Therefore, it is also called Christmas crab. Every year, from May to mid-summer, when the tide is high on the Hengchun Peninsula, droves of gravid females cross coastal roads for larval release at dusk in the sea.

4. Gecarcoidea lalandii (NT$25.00): This land crab has a dark purple to reddish purple carapace, a creamy yellow abdomen, and reddish purple claws and walking legs. Its carapace is transversely ovate, with scale-like wrinkles on the sides. Its claws are equal or slightly unequal in size and its walking legs are somewhat flat. It lives in burrows in coastlines that are rocky or near coral reefs.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Stamp: Wild Mushrooms of Taiwan (I)/Nouveau timbre: champignons sauvages de Taiwan (I)

Issue Date: 25.03.2010

To introduce the abundant wild mushrooms of Taiwan to the public, Chunghwa Post is issuing a set of four stamps (the first of a series) and a souvenir sheet. The designs follow:

1. Dictyophora multicolor (NT$5.00): A stinkhorn mushroom of mid-to-large size. The exterior of the bell-shaped cap (pileus) atop the stem is covered with a foul-smelling spore-containing substance called gleba, which attracts insects to help spread the spores. There is a bright yellow veil-like skirt (membrane) under the cap. The mushroom can often be seen in bamboo groves or broad-leaved forests in low-altitude areas. It is not edible.

2. Pleurotus salmoneostramineus (NT$5.00): The cap of this gilled mushroom resembles a sea-shell. It has a fuzzy outer surface. When fresh, its color is pink to salmon. The stem is short and has a sideways-growth. It is often found growing in clumps on decaying wood in broad-leaved forests in low-altitude areas. Though edible, its texture is coarse.

3. Pseudocolus fusiformis (NT$12.00): At first, the fruiting body of this mushroom resembles a white ball, and then it cracks open and a stem arises with three orange finger-like arms at maturity. The inside surface of the arms is covered with a stinky spore-containing substance to attract insects to help spread the spores. It can often be seen growing on the roadside at the edge of broad-leaved forests in low altitude area. It is not edible.

4. Coprinus disseminatus (NT$12.00): The cap of its fruiting body is shaped like a cone or bell and the edge is deeply grooved. Its fresh is thin. The stem is slender and fragile. It is often found growing in clusters on decaying wood in low-altitude areas. It is not edible.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Postcard from Tunisia/Carte postale de la Tunisie

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

Birthday of the Great Leader, Comrade Kim Jong Il/
L'anniversaire du Grand Chef, le Camarade Kim Jong Il

Four stamps were issued to celebrate the birthday of Leader Kim Jong Il.
The stamps show some of gift plants the overseas sompatriots and foreign figures who ardently revere Lerder Kim Jong Il presented to him.

3 won stamp: Crinum bracteaturm
Herbs perennial , rarely shrubby or treelike, often with bulbs, corms, rhizomes, or tubers. Leaves basal or cauline, often narrow, margin entire or spiny . Inflorescence a terminal spike, umbel, raceme , panicle, or flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual , actinomorphic or zygomorphic, usually subtended by 1 to several spathaceous involucres. Perianth segments 6, in 2 whorls, free or connate to form a short tube , with or without a corona . Stamens 6, inserted at perianth throat or at base of segments; filaments sometimes basally connate; anther dorsifixed or basifixed , mostly introrse . Ovary inferior, 3-loculed; ovules few to many per locule; placentation axile . Style slender; stigma capitate or 3-lobed. Fruit a capsule, usually loculicidal, sometimes dehiscing irregularly, rarely a berry. Seeds with endosperm.

12 won stamp: Begonia cu. Irene Nuss
Begonias are tender perennials, grown for their colorful flowers and foliage. Most begonias can be grown outdoors in pots, in the ground, or in hanging baskets in filtered light and moist, but well drained soil. Where not hardy, grow as annuals or indoors as houseplants. Most begonias can be propagated from leaf, stem or rhizome cuttings in addition to being sown from seed. 'Irene Nuss' has many dark pink, fragrant, pendulous flowers and lobed, ovate, wavy, leaves that have green and red coloration. The stem is cane-like with evenly spaced nodes. This plant enjoys filtered light but can take some sun in winter. Soil should ideally be moist. Begonias grow very well in peat-based compost also.

120 won stamp: Callistemon phoeniceus
Callistemon phoeniceus (Lesser Bottlebrush) is a shrub or small tree in the family Myrtaceae. It is endemic to Western Australia. It grows up to between 1 and 6 metres in height. Red flower spikes are produced between September and January in the species native range. It occurs on sandy soils, often beside streams.
The species was first formally described in 1839 by botanist John Lindley in A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony as Callistemon phoeniceum, which was later revised to Callistemon phoeniceus. In his 2006 paper New Combinations in Melaleuca for Australian Species of Callistemon (Myrtaceae), Lyndley Craven, a research botanist from the Australian National Herbarium proposed that this species should be renamed as Melaleuca phoenicea.

160 won stamp: Plumeria rubra
Plumeria rubra is a deciduous plant belonging to the genus Plumeria. Its common names are Red Frangipani, Common Frangipani, Temple Tree, or simply Plumeria. Originally native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, it has been widely cultivated in subtropical and tropical climates worldwide and is a popular garden and park plant, as well as being used in temples and cemeteries. It grows as a spreading tree to 7-8 m (20-25 ft) high and wide, and is flushed with fragrant flowers of shades of pink, white and yellow over the summer and autumn.

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

Birthday of President Kim Il Sung/
L'anniversaire du Président Kim Il Sung

Four stamps were issued to mark the birthday of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.
The stamps show some of the gifts, which the overseas compatriots and foreigh figures who ardently revere Priesident Kim Il Sung, presented to him.

Friday, March 5, 2010

FDC from Japan/FDC du Japon


Snoopy is a fictional character in the long-running comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. He is Charlie Brown's pet beagle. Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character — and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of Snoopy were "slightly patterned" after Spike, one of Schulz's childhood dogs.

Snoopy, whose fictional birthday has been established as October 4, made his first appearance in the strip of October 4, 1950, two days after the strip premiered. He was first identified by name on November 10. Schulz was originally going to call him "Sniffy" (as described in the 25th anniversary book), until he discovered that name was used in a different comic strip. He changed it to "Snoopy" after remembering that his late mother Dena Schulz had commented that if their family were ever to acquire a third dog, it should be called Snoopy, an affectionate term in Norwegian.

In earlier strips it is not clear who Snoopy belongs to; for instance in the February 2, 1951 strip, Charlie Brown accuses Snoopy of following him, only to be told by Patty that Snoopy isn't following Charlie Brown but merely lives in the same direction. Indeed many early strips show Snoopy interacting with Shermy (who is shown in one early strip running with Snoopy on his leash) and Patty without Charlie Brown, making Snoopy appear to belong to all of the neighborhood kids, similar to the dog Pete in the Our Gang comedies, who is everyone's dog. (Note: in this era, it was common for dogs to roam their local area and congregate with local children, and then return to their respective homes). Later, Charlie Brown states that his parents bought Snoopy for him at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, after another boy had dumped sand on him while playing in a sandbox.

Snoopy was a silent character for the first two years of his existence, but on May 27, 1952 he verbalized his thoughts to readers for the first time in a thought balloon; Schulz would utilize this device for nearly all of the character's appearances in the strip thereafter. At first, Snoopy acted as a normal dog, and would only think in simple one-word phrases (such as "FOOD!"), but then became more articulate.

In addition to Snoopy's ability to "speak" his thoughts to the reader, many of the human characters in Peanuts have the uncanny knack of reading his thoughts and responding to them. In the animated Peanuts films and television specials, Snoopy's thoughts are not verbalized; his moods are instead conveyed through growls, sobs, laughter, monosyllabic utterances such as "bleah," "hey," etc., as well as through pantomime. The only exceptions are in the animated adaptations of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Snoopy!!! The Musical, in which Snoopy's thoughts are verbalized through voice overs (by Robert Towers and Cam Clarke, respectively). Animation producer Bill Meléndez voiced both Snoopy and (eventually) Woodstock in numerous television specials from 1965 to 2006. He is also featured on his own currency, the Snoopybuck.

Oddly enough, the first time a beagle was mentioned in the strip (December 5, 1960), Snoopy denied being one. As Snoopy dozed, Charlie Brown paraphrased Gertrude Stein: "Beagles on the grass, alas." To this, Snoopy replied, "I ain't no stupid beagle!" (Years later, Snoopy would paraphrase the Stein expression himself: "Birds in the grass, alas; beagle on the roof, aloof.")

As the series progressed, Snoopy became a more human-like dog. His character is that of a dog who thinks he is a person (or who sometimes forgets he is a dog). In one Peanuts strip, Sally had to do a report on animals for school, and requested Snoopy's help. But Snoopy was reluctant. "How can I help?" he thought. "I don't know any animals."

Many of Peanuts' memorable moments come in Snoopy's daydream as a writer: his eternal opener on the typewriter "It was a dark and stormy night..." is taken from Edward George Bulwer-Lytton's 1830 novel Paul Clifford. Almost all his submissions are rejected by potential publishers, who eventually resort to rude dismissals and cruel jokes to attempt to prevent being bothered by Snoopy. The contrast between Snoopy's existence in a dream world and Charlie Brown's in the real world is central to the humour and philosophy of Peanuts (e.g., the Peanuts book title Life's a Dream, Charlie Brown).

Schulz summed up Snoopy's character in a 1997 interview: "He has to retreat into his fanciful world in order to survive. Otherwise, he leads kind of a dull, miserable life. I don't envy dogs the lives they have to live."

Snoopy est le beagle (et non pas un bull-terrier comme on pourrait croire) de Charlie Brown et est, avec lui, le personnage central des Peanuts. Au fur à mesure du comic, son comportement devient « humain » : il se met à marcher sur ses deux pattes, à penser et à philosopher.

Il a des habitudes plutôt extravagantes, comme celle de dormir sur le toit de sa niche et vit dans un monde fantaisiste, se prenant pour un astronaute (le premier beagle à avoir marché sur la lune, avant même la mission Apollo 10 (laquelle adoptera les noms de Charlie Brown, pour le module de commande et de Snoopy, pour le module lunaire), un aviateur de la Première Guerre mondiale, perpétuellement aux prises avec l'as allemand des airs Manfred von Richthofen, le Baron Rouge, le joueur de billard Eddie Vite-fait du film L'Arnaqueur, le légionnaire Beau Geste, un célèbre écrivain, un grand joueur de hockey, un joueur de tennis, un scout, etc.

Il a de nombreux frères et sœurs, dont Spike, Andy, Olaf et Tupfen. Son meilleur ami est Woodstock, un petit oiseau jaune, contraint, à l'occasion de lui servir de secrétaire.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

50th anniversary of founding of the central zoo/
Le 50ème anniversaire de fondation du zoo central

Monday, March 1, 2010

FDC from Germany/FDC de l'Allemagne

Unser Sandmännchen/Le marchand de sable

Unser Sandmännchen, Das Sandmännchen, Abendgruß, Sandmann, Sandmännchen (Little Sandman) is a German children's bedtime television programme using stop motion animation. The puppet was based on the Ole Lukøje character by Hans Christian Andersen.

Two versions of Sandmännchen were created: one in East Germany (Unser Sandmännchen), and one in West Germany (Das Sandmännchen).

The original idea came from Ilse Obrig of West Berlin TV and radio station Sender Freies Berlin (SFB), who with the help of author Johanna Schüppel, developed a working version in 1958. The Little Sandman himself first appeared on screen in West Berlin in Sandmännchens Gruß für Kinder (Sandmännchen's Greeting to Children) on 1 December 1958, and other episodes were soon made.

However, on 22 November 1959 (less than three weeks after the production had started), East German television (Deutscher Fernsehfunk, DFF) began broadcasting Unser Sandmännchen with its own "good night, children" character, also called Sandmännchen.

Created by the puppetmaster and director Gerhard Behrendt, the show represented everyday life, travel, and fantastic adventure, as well as a certain amount of propaganda. Some people claim that the title character bears a resemblance to the then leader of the DDR, Walter Ulbricht,[citation needed] and the show was often a showcase for DDR and Socialist technology and success. This is one of the reasons why he often arrived in amazing vehicles like futuristic cars and flying devices.

The production of the Western version of Sandmännchen ceased in 1991, following the unification of Germany. However, episodes from the DFF show are still run on German television today.

Le marchand de sable est un personnage d'animation de la télévision allemande depuis le 22 novembre 1959.

Le 22 novembre 1959, les téléspectateurs de la RDA ont découvert leur marchand de sable pour la première fois. Depuis lors, chaque soir, peu avant sept heures, il raconte une histoire et disperse à la fin le sable magique, une légère transposition du conte du marchand de sable de Hans Christian Andersen, dans lequel il n'est pas question du sable comme signe de sommeil.

Quelle technique pour ce marchand de sable de faire comprendre aux enfants que l'heure du coucher est arrivée! Pour les parents, le marchand de sable est une belle forme "d'aide à l'éducation", dit le père du marchand de sable Gerhard Behrendt. Dans l'Est et l'Ouest, on cherchait à savoir si pendant la guerre froide deux hommes de sable différents avaient combattu à la télévision. Jusqu'en 1990, deux marchands de sable allemands se sont fait concurrence à la télévision.

En Allemagne de l'est, c'est le marchand de sable qui apportait l'histoire du soir, sur la ZDF, en RFA, c'est le marchand de sable de l'ouest qui racontait son histoire sur l'ARD. Les deux marchands de sable se sont fait concurrence, et dès le début, celui de l'ouest sembla perdre la partie.

De mauvaises langues affirment que le marchand de sable de l'Est aurait jeté des grains de sable afin de faire de la propagande. Or, ce n'est que de temps en temps que la DDR-Fernsehen mélangeait un grain « socialiste » dans son sac de sable. Le marchand de sable a visité le festival mondial de la jeunesse, la foire de Leipzig, l'armée populaire nationale. Le marchand de sable ne devait pas agir de manière trop socialiste, car il faisait partie des peu de porteurs de devises de la RDA. En tant que travailleur "immigré" de la RDA, il apportait de l'argent de l'ouest au Danemark, en Suisse et en Grèce.

C'était aussi probablement plutôt un hasard que sa barbe pointue soit semblable à celle de Walter Ulbricht, le premier ministre. Le metteur en scène du film Gerhard Behrendt et le créateur voulaient que le marchand de sable ait un caractère «puéril» mais aussi qu'il incarne la sagesse. Behrendt a crée la poupée du marchand de sable, il a écrit et produit depuis le milieu des années soixante plus de 300 films avec le marchand de sable.

Entre temps le petit Ossi est devenu une figure culte de l'Allemagne. La chaîne ORB rend hommage à sa star en organisant un gala d'anniversaire au Friedrichstadtspalast à Berlin, où se sont rendus Nena et le groupe « Oliver & Kids » qui ont chanté « Sandmanns Party ». De plus, dans la nuit du samedi au dimanche, l'ORB diffuse «La longue nuit du marchand de sable». À partir de minuit, les inventeurs du marchand de sable diffusent six heures de l'émission "40 Hits de 40 ans", de la première salutation du marchand de sable à ses plus récentes aventures sur la planète Gugel.

Maintenant à la retraite, Gerhard Behrendt s'occupe toujours en tant que conseiller artistique du marchand de sable pour l'ORB. «Ce qui m'importe surtout, c'est que le marchand de sable reste sous sa forme originelle», dit le septagénaire.