Saturday, April 24, 2010

FDC from Algeria/FDC de L'Algerie

Monuments and Sites of the Roman era/
Monuments et Sites de l'époque Romaine

Archaeological Site: Madaura

Madaura, Latin Madaurus, whence the name M'daourouch, is an ancient Roman city located 45 kms from Thaghaste (now Souk-Ahras) north east of Algeria. It dates back to the year 75 BC under the reign of Roman Emperor Vespasian. This city has lived through the invasion Berber, Roman, Byzantine and Vandal. Regarded as a center of educational outreach, she stood by his university, one of the first with Carthage in Africa. History tells us the names of two great teachers: Maximus the grammarian and the rhetorician, Apuleius. Among the students is Madaura philosopher and theologian St. Augustine, founder of the religious thought of Catholicism. September acres have been excavated since 1905 registered in the area that has classified the archaeological park since 1968. The park also contains relics that are still resisting the vicissitudes of time.

Archaeological Site: khemiss

Lying 37 km Souk Ahras, khemiss city whose ancient name is Thubursicu Numidarum is a city on a hill with a large area well irrigated and an important water resource (the source of the Medjerda) .
Numidian city, it became a municipality in the second century AD under the emperor Trajan, and colony honorary third century. Strategically, this town was an important place because it was located on a road linking the port of Hippo Regius (near Annaba) in the camp of the legion of Africa (Tebessa).
The bishops are mentioned between 354 and 411: Fortinius, Maurentius and Januarius.
The ruins cover an area of 65 ha and contain important monuments: the old square in the eastern quarter of the city, the theater at the foot of the hill to the north, the great basilica colonnaded court, also the monumental gateway to a single bay. Khemiss occupies a place among the ancient cities of North Africa.

Ancient Theatre: Guelma

Guelma or Calama in antiquity, located east of the country, was a Numidian city or municipality before becoming the reign of the emperor Trajan and Roman colony in the late third century. From its Roman past, the city has retained a theater that is the opinion of competent persons, an architectural masterpiece. This theater has a large number of steps divided into four zones and traversed by stairs. The scene of this monument is imposing and distinguished by a group of buildings based on the preliminary stage itself structured around a staircase of seven steps. On both sides of the stairs on the platform and in great harmony based two giant gantry formed by two very tall columns and two pilasters. Against the stage wall stands, on both sides, two colossal statues of Asclepius and Neptune. The ancient theater of Guelma houses the largest museum in the city devoted to archeology. This monument is a witness of cultural influence has been the city in the early third century.

Site archéologique de Madaure

Madaure, en latin Madaurus, d’où vient le nom de M’daourouch, est une antique ville romaine située à 45 Kms de Thaghaste (Souk-Ahras actuellement) au nord est de l’Algérie. Sa création remonte à l’an 75 avant J.C. sous le règne de l’Empereur romain Vespasien. Cette cité a connu successivement l’invasion berbère, romaine, vandale et byzantine. Considérée comme un centre de rayonnement pédagogique, elle se distingua par son université, l’une des premières avec Carthage au continent africain. L’histoire nous révèle les noms de deux grands professeurs : Maxime le grammairien et Apulée le rhéteur. Parmi les élèves de Madaure figure le philosophe et le théologien Saint Augustin, fondateur de la pensée religieuse du catholicisme. Sept hectares et demi ont fait l’objet de fouilles enregistrées depuis 1905 sur la superficie que compte le parc archéologique classé depuis 1968. Le même parc recèle des vestiges qui résistent toujours aux vicissitudes du temps.

Site archéologique de Khemissa

Distante de 37 kilomètres de Souk-Ahras, la ville de Khemissa dont le nom antique est Thubursicu Numidarum, est une ville adossée à une colline disposant d’un vaste territoire bien irrigué et d’une importante ressource hydrique (les sources de la Medjerda).
Cité numide, elle devint un municipe au IIe siècle après J-C sous l’empereur Trajan, et colonie honoraire au IIIe siècle. Sur le plan stratégique, cette ville occupait une place importante puisqu’elle était située sur une route reliant le port d’Hippo Regius (prés d’Annaba) au camp de la légion d’Afrique (Tébessa).
Des évêques sont mentionnés entre 354 et 411 : Fortinius, Maurentius et Januarius.
Les ruines s’étendent sur une surface de plus de 65 ha et renferment d’importants monuments : la vieille place située dans le quartier oriental de la ville, le théâtre au pied de la colline au nord, la grande basilique judiciaire à colonnades, également la porte monumentale à une seule baie. Khemissa occupe une belle place parmi les cités antiques de l’Afrique du nord.

Théâtre antique de Guelma

Guelma, ou Calama dans l’antiquité, situé à l’est du pays, était une cité numide avant de devenir municipe sous le règne de l’empereur Trajan et colonie romaine vers la fin du IIIe siècle. De son passé romain, cette ville a conservé un théâtre qui est, de l’avis des personnes compétentes, un chef-d’œuvre architectural. Ce théâtre compte un grand nombre de gradins répartis en quatre zones et traversés par des escaliers. La scène de ce monument est imposante et se distingue par un ensemble architectural reposant sur l’avant-scène articulée elle même autour d’un escalier de sept marches. Des deux côtés de l’escalier sur la plate forme et dans une grande harmonie reposent deux gigantesques portiques formés par deux très hautes colonnes et deux pilastres. Contre le mur de scène se dresse, de part et d’autre, deux statues colossales d’Esculape et de Neptune. Le théâtre antique de Guelma abrite le musée le plus important de la ville consacré à l’archéologie. Ce monument reste un témoin du rayonnement culturel qu’a connu la ville au début du IIIe siècle.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FDC from Belgium/FDC de la Belgique


The international exhibition Antverpia 2010 will take place from April 9 to April 12, 2010 at the Exhibition Center "Antwerp Expo " in Antwerp.

The exhibition celebrates the 120th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Belgian Federation of Philatelic Associations, the oldest in the world. With over 17.000 m² in 4 halls, Antverpia 2010 will host among others the international FEPA and national Belgian exhibition of all classes, the international stamp exhibition "birds" (Birdpex) and competitive philately exhibitions with 2.000 frames. Furthermore, more than 50 postal administrations, over 100 stamp dealers and the Taipei Representative Office of the EU and Belgium are looking forward to welcome you in the beautiful city of Antwerp.

This exhibition takes place under the FEPA patronage and is fully recognized by the FIP. We are also very proud to announce that Antverpia 2010 is under the High Patronage of H.M. the King and the Queen.

Du 9 au 12 avril, Antverpia 2010 jettera l'ancre sur l'Escaut. Cette exposition internationale de philatélie célèbre le 120e anniversaire de la Fédération Royale des Cercles Philatéliques de Belgique et organise, dans la foulée, un championnat philatélique européen.

Cette exposition gratuite s'intitule "Championnat national et Européen de philatélie: Philatélie au fil de l'Escaut" et exhibera des collections uniques de timbres-poste, réparties sur 4 halls (17.000 m2). Plus de 100 stands de négociants de timbres belges et étrangers ainsi que 30 postes étrangères répondront à l'appel d'Antverpia. Par ailleurs, 35.000 visiteurs sont attendus.

Durant Antverpia 2010, plusieurs auteurs anversois de bande-dessinée seront mis à l'honneur à travers leurs personnages comme Biebel, Kiekeboe, Jommeke, Sam et bien entendu Bob & Bobette. L'organisation n'oublie bien entendu pas non plus cette autre institution qu'est le zoo d'Anvers en síassociant au premier anniversaire du petit éléphant Kai Mook.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

FDC from Algeria/FDC de L'Algerie

16th Mediterranean Games Pescara (Italy 2009)/
16ème Jeux Méditerranéens PESCARA (Italie 2009)

The Mediterranean Games which take place every four years in their history back to the year 1951. The games began as an initiative of Tahar Pasha, President of the Egyptian Olympic Committee want to make the competition a symbol of peace in a period marked by various conflicts and tensions in the Mediterranean basin.

And it is the city of Alexandria that housed the first edition of these games, then Barcelona in 1955, Beirut in 1959, Naples in 1963, Tunis in 1967, Izmir in 1971, Algiers in 1975, split in 1979, Casablanca in 1983, Latakia in 1987, Athens in 1991, Agde in 1993, Bari in 1997, Tunis in 2001 and again in 2005 Almeria.

In 2009, the flame will rise Mediterranean in Pescara (Italy) to host the prestigious sporting facilities in the Abruzzi the 16th edition of the Mediterranean Games in June 26 under the July 5. Throughout this great sporting event will compete with teams and athletes from 23 countries bordering the Mediterranean.

The disciplines included in the Games program in Pescara in 2009 are numbered 25, namely athletics, swimming, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, cycling, gymnastics, karate, tennis, table tennis, shooting, beach volleyball, water polo, golf, sailing, equestrian, kayaking, rowing and wheelchair races.

Algeria to take part in this edition with 17 subjects divided into three performance categories, it will aim to collect as much medals as well as gaining experience in preparation for the London Olympic Games to be held in 2012.

Les jeux méditerranéens qui se déroulent tous les quatre ans remontent dans leur histoire à l’année 1951. Ces jeux ont débuté suite à une initiative de Tahar Pacha, Président du Comité Olympique Egyptien souhaitant faire de ces compétitions un symbole de paix dans une période marquée par divers conflits et tensions au bassin méditerranéen.

Et c’est la ville d’Alexandrie qui abrita la première édition de ces jeux, par la suite Barcelone en 1955, Beyrouth en 1959, Naples en 1963, Tunis en 1967, Izmir en 1971, Alger en 1975, Split en 1979, Casablanca en 1983, Lattaquié en 1987, Athènes en 1991, Agde en 1993, Bari en 1997, Tunis en 2001 et enfin Almeria en 2005.

En cette année 2009, la flamme méditerranéenne passera à Pescara (Italie) qui accueillera dans les prestigieuses structures sportives des Abruzzes la 16ème édition des jeux méditerranéens prévus du 26 Juin en 5 Juillet. Tout au long de ce grand événement sportif se concurrenceront les équipes et athlètes de 23 pays bordant la méditerranée.

Les disciplines inscrites au programme des jeux de Pescara 2009 sont au nombre de 25, à savoir l’athlétisme, la natation, le football, le hand-ball, le basket-ball, le volley-ball, la boxe, le judo, la lutte, l’escrime, l’haltérophilie, le cyclisme, la gymnastique, le karaté, le tennis, le tennis de table, le tir, le beach-volley, le water-polo, le golf, la voile, les sports équestres, le canoë kayak, l’aviron et le handisport.

L’Algérie prendra part à cette édition avec 17 disciplines réparties en trois catégories de performance, elle aura comme objectif de recueillir le maximum de médailles ainsi que l’acquisition de l’expérience en prévision des jeux olympiques de Londres qui se tiendront en 2012.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

FDC from Germany/FDC de l'Allemagne

Historic Motorsport/Motorsport Historique

The first automobile race was organized 115 years ago in France between Paris and Rouen. Four years later, were also the first race held in Germany. Even then, the motor was used to demonstrate the quality of the cars and test technical innovations. Some of these innovations improved then the production vehicles. For example, the now widely used anti-lock ABS system was originally developed for a racing car. The historic vehicles inspire today in car museums to visitors. Particularly impressive but they are at classic car races, such as at the Nürburgring in the Eifel region, to which thousands of fans.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FDC from Croatia/FDC de la Croatie


Motif: a statue of St John Evangelist, carved for the chapel of the blessed John of Trogir in the Trogir cathedral, 15th century, photo by Živko Bačić Ivan Duknović (Joannes Duhnovich, Ioannes Dalmata), born around 1440 in Trogir, died after 1509, his father’s name Stjepan, is among the most important builders of the cathedral in Trogir. His first knowledge of carving traditions were acquired at home but later on he improved his skill in Italy. In 1470 in Rome he was commissioned several important works, particularly important was a commission from cardinal Pietro Barba, who was later elected Pope Paul II., for whom he carved a tomb (along Mina da Fiesole) in the old basilica of St Petrus, which was the most important work of that kind of the entire 15th century. Unusual resonance of a glory in the Eternal City helped him to another commission, expressed in the Pope’s testament, a figure of Our Lady with a Child high up on the tomb of Pope Paulus II. At the begining of 1480 Duknović works in his native city of Trogir. The first selfstanding three dimensional sculpture in Croatia is a statue of St John Evangelist, carved for the chapel of the blessed John of Trogir in the cathedral. The sculpture is carved at the peak of Dukonovic’ creative life. This great artist probably a sanguine person, in his work reflected the balance between the resonance of a strong composition and psychological intuition, between formal idealisation (reflected in the posture of the statue and shaping of soft fabric) and realism in the expression of physiognomy. The signature at the base of the sculpture (probably additinaly carved) should read in continuo with the signature: S . IOANNES . EVANGELISTA . IOANNIS . DA(L)MATAE . F(ACTUM). – St John carved by the sculptor John – identical to the master’s signature on his most accomplished work , on the base of the relief Hope, executed on the tomb of the Pope Paulus II., where it is written: (I)OANNIS . DALMATE . OPUS. The profile of the statue erected in the chapel of the Blessed John is identical to the profile of a Nicolo Fiorention’s relief in the „Little“ palace of the Čipiko family in Trogir, of Alvizo Cipiko, wreathed poet and later a prelate of a Roman court, from the time when his famous father Koriolan wanted to see him appointed a bishop. Terminus ante quem non and a model for Duknović’ statue is St Philip by Nicolo Fiorentino (1489) errected in the chapel. If we examine the fabric of drapes of Duknović’ Apostle Toma (1508) –it is in some kind of a dialogue with the statue of John the Evangelist. After working some time in his native land Duknović was employed for several years at the court of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, who presented him the palace Majkovecz as a gift in 1488. After the King’s death, Duknović is mentioned in some documents to be in Trogir in 1497and in 1498 in Venice. He might be «Joane de Stano da Trau“ the author of the altar in the Scuola Grande di S. Giorgio, however the altar could also be the work of a famous artist from Trogir – Ivan Statilić. He created some of the anthological works of Croatian sculpture and was the most prominent artist of Croatian Renessaince art. Just to metion some of the reliefs: Our Lady on display in the museum in Padua and Trogir city museum, statue of St Vlaho in Dubrovnik’ Princes Palace, the bust of the humanist Carlo Zena in the Venetian Museo Correr and – probably the last – tomb of the blessed Girolama Gianelli in the cathedral in Ancona. Also the Charming putto hump-back on the main portal of the Cipiko palace (also the work of Duknović), just oposite the Trogir cathedral, is one of the trade marks of the Croatian Renaissance and the most precious artefact of the City Museum in Trogir. Putto holding a torch in flames standing astride on the gally, with the cloak fluttering in the wind, hinting obviously to the function of Koriolan Cipiko in the Venetian fleet in Levant (1470-1474). A three dimensional sculpture made in the manner of the motives from Ancient Times is linked to a similar sculpture of Heraklo as a boy, carved some time later by Duknović on the fountain at the court of Matthias Corvinus in Višegrad. Duknović’ opus, presently on display in Berlin and Paris, Rome and Budapest, Trogir and Dubrovnik, gives an authentic picture of the highest intelectual and artistic range of sculptures carved in close relation to demanding comissioners and artists educated in the very epicentre of the European Renessaince. The artist who became famous thanks to collaborating with several sculptors from Toscana and who suceeded to preserve genuine individual expression and even more who succeded to express his genuine temperament.

Monday, April 12, 2010

FDC from Russia/FDC de la russie

Symbols of Moscow and St.Petersburg/
Les symboles de Moscou et de Saint-Pétersbourg

6.60RUR: Symbols of St.Petersburg
9.00RUR: Symbols of Moscow

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Issue: Long-horned Beetles Postage Stamps/Les nouveautés: Timbres des Cerambycidae

Issue date:21.05.2010
Date d'émission: 21.05.2010

In order to increase the public’s understanding about the long-horned beetles, Chunghwa Post will issue a set of four definitive stamps featuring Erythrus formosanus, Rosalia formosa conviva, Aphrodisium faldermannii yuagii and Anoplophora horsfieldi tonkinensis. The designs follow:

1. Erythrus formosanus (NT$0.75): This pretty little long-horned beetle has a red body, a black head, black legs and black serrated antennae. There are two black bumps on its nota. Its elytra are red. This species is found in broad-leaved forests from sea level to 1,500 meters.

2. Rosalia formosa conviva (NT$2.50): This long-horned beetle has a red body, a black head and black antennae and legs. There are four black markings on its nota and several more on its elytra. It is found in mixed forests between 1,500 and 2,300 meters above sea level.

3. Aphrodisium faldermannii yuagii (NT$5.00): In coloration, these beetles are either yellow-brown or green. Those with yellow-brown coloration have glossy nota, with a black stripe running down the middle, and they have black legs and yellow tarsi. Those with green coloration have inconspicuous lengthwise stripes on their green elytra. The species is found in mixed forests between 1,500 and 2,000 meters above sea level. Because it emits a musky smell, it is also called the “musk long-horned beetle” in Chinese.

4. Anoplophora horsfieldi tonkinensis (NT$25.00): This long-horned beetle has a black body and its abdomen is densely covered with fine yellow hair. Both its head and nota have a pair of yellow stripes running lengthwise. There are four yellow markings in each of its elytra. There are some sharp spurs on the outer edges of its prothorax. This widely distributed species is found in broad-leaved forests from sea level to 1,000 meters.

Note: If you want FDC mail to your address (3 EUR/per cover), or want to swap FDC, Please contact:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

FDC fron Vietnam/FDC du Vietnam

Ornamental Fish/Les poissons d'ornement

The hobby of collecting and raising aquarium fish appeared 2500 years ago, firstly from China, and then spread to South East Asian countries. Until the 17th century, aquarium fish was brought to Europe, America and raising aquarium fish has become a hobby of many people world-wide. Up to now, there are many kinds of ornamental fish in different shapes & colours have been cross-bred.

Raising aquarium fish has been considered a profitable job for every household. Apart from economic value, it also makes human life more pleasant. Thus, the hobby of collecting & raising aquarium fish has attracted numerous people at all ages in the world.

In Vietnam Stamp Collection, there are many issues of ornamental fish such as: Gold fish, Exotic fish, Ornamental fish, Tropical fish, Siamese fighting fish, Coral sea-fish...

2,000d: Botia macracanthus

3,000d: Trichopsis pumila

6,500d: Cynolebias elongatus

10,500d: Centropyge flavissima

14,500d(S/S): Scleropages formosus

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FDC from Latvia/FDC de la Lettonie


Peony or paeony is a name for plants in the genus Paeonia, the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America. Boundaries between species are not clear and estimates of the number of species range from 25 to 40.

Most are herbaceous perennial plants 0.5–1.5 metres tall, but some are woody shrubs up to 1.5–3 metres tall. They have compound, deeply lobed leaves, and large, often fragrant flowers, ranging from red to white or yellow, in late spring and early summer.

The peony is named after Paeon (also spelled Paean), a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing. Asclepius became jealous of his pupil; Zeus saved Paeon from the wrath of Asclepius by turning him into the peony flower.

The family name "Paeoniaceae" was first used by Friedrich K.L. Rudolphi in 1830, following a suggestion by Friedrich Gottlieb Bartling that same year. The family had been given other names a few years earlier. The composition of the family has varied, but it has always consisted of Paeonia and one or more genera that are now placed in Ranunculales. It has been widely believed that Paeonia is closest to Glaucidium, and this idea has been followed in some recent works.Molecular phylogenetic studies, however, have demonstrated conclusively that Glaucidium belongs in Ranunculaceae, but that Paeonia belongs in the unrelated order Saxifragales.

La pivoine (genre Paeonia) est un genre de plante à racines tubéreuses originaire de diverses régions de l’Europe à l’Extrême-Orient (notamment de Chine - où elle est associée à la ville de Luoyang), mais aussi de l’ouest des États-Unis.

Étymologie: Péan (ou paeon) est un des plus anciens dieux guérisseurs grecs puisqu'il est mentionné dans les tablettes en linéaire B de Knossos en Crête. Il soigna et guérit Hadès et Arès de leurs blessures de guerre. Les anciens Grecs dénommaient aussi leur pivoines paeonia.

Elle est connue à travers quelques 40 espèces de plantes vivaces, herbacées ou arbustives. Les feuilles, joliment dessinées, sont vert tendre ou foncé, quelquefois argentées. Les fleurs, parfois parfumées, dressées et solitaires, en forme de coupe ou de boule, sont d’un charme irrésistible.

On distingue les pivoines herbacées et les pivoines arbustives (ou pivoines en arbre).

* Les pivoines herbacées disparaissent chaque hiver pour réapparaître de plus belle chaque printemps. Elles sont de culture facile, très rustiques et d’une floraison incomparable. L’espèce la plus courante est Peonia lactiflora, parfois appelée pivoine de Chine. Elle se décline en un grand nombre de variétés toutes plus remarquables les unes que les autres. Les fleurs offrent des formes simples, semi-doubles ou doubles. En Europe, il existe plusieurs espèces sauvages, les plus connues étant la pivoine officinale Paeonia officinalis et la pivoine mâle Paeonia mascula.
* Les pivoines arbustives forment de petits arbustes ne dépassant pas 3,5 m de hauteur. Parmi les pivoines arbustives, les espèces (ex) Paeonia lutea aux fleurs jaunes et Paeonia suffruticosa aux grosses fleurs allant du rose au rouge ont donné naissance aux pivoines lemoinei, hybrides aux nombreuses formes de fleurs et de couleurs très variées.

Monday, April 5, 2010

FDC from North Korea/FDC de la Corée du Nord

Launch of Artificial Earth Satellite "Kwangmyongsong No.2" in the DPRK/
Le lancement de Satellite Artificiel de Terre "Kwangmyongsong 2" dans le RPDC

Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 (Chosungul: 광명성 2호, Hanja: 光明星 2號, meaning Bright Star-2 or Lode Star-2) was a satellite the North Korean government claimed to have placed into orbit in April 2009. According to the North Korean government, an Unha-2 rocket carrying the satellite was launched on Sunday 5 April 2009 at 11:20 local time (02:20 UTC) from the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground at Musudan-ri in northeastern North Korea. However, officials in South Korea and the United States reported that the rocket and any payload had fallen into the Pacific Ocean. The Russian Space Control concurred, stating that the satellite "simply is not there".

Prior to the launch, concern was raised by other nations, particularly the United States, South Korea and Japan, that the rocket was a Taepodong-2, and the launch might be a trial run of technology that could be used in the future to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile. The launch of the rocket was sharply condemned by the United States and the European Union, while the People's Republic of China and Russia urged restraint.

“ The successful satellite launch symbolic of the leaping advance made in the nation's space science and technology was conducted against the background of the stirring period when a high-pitched drive for bringing about a fresh great revolutionary surge is under way throughout the country to open the gate to a great prosperous and powerful nation without fail by 2012, the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung, under the far-reaching plan of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. This is powerfully encouraging the Korean people all out in the general advance.”
—KCNA, KCNA on DPRK's Successful Launch of Satellite Kwangmyongsong-2

Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il "felt regret for not being able to spend more money on the people's livelihoods and was choked with sobs" during the launch.

In the following days, North Korea released images of the purported rocket launch. A mass rally by thousands of North Koreans took place in Kim Il-sung Square, Pyongyang to celebrate the "successful" launch of the satellite.

On 29 April, the state-run Korean Central News Agency reported that "North Korea threatened to conduct a nuclear test and more ballistic missile tests if the U.N. Security Council doesn't apologize to North Korea and withdraw its condemnation of Pyongyang's rocket launch earlier this month."On 25 May, North Korea claimed that it had conducted a second nuclear test.

In August 2009, postage stamps commemorating the launch were brought into circulation. The souvenir sheet says "Launch of Artificial Satellite 'Kwangmyongsong No. 2' in the DPRK."

Kwangmyŏngsŏng 2 (Hangul : 광명성 2호, Hanja : 光明星 2號) est un satellite de communications lancé le 5 avril 2009 par la République populaire démocratique de Corée.

La Corée du Nord a informé l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale (ICAO) qu'elle lancerait un « satellite de communications » sur une fusée Unha-2 entre le 4 et le 8 avril 2009. Ce supposé satellite a été nommé « Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 », ce qui signifie « La Voie Lactée 2 » en coréen ; selon le gouvernement nord-coréen, il effectuerait des révolutions en orbite, et diffuserait des chants patriotiques à la gloire du régime. Cependant, des analystes en sécurité militaire ont supposé qu’il s’agirait d’un test de missile balistique Taepodong-2 à longue portée qui pourrait potentiellement atteindre des cibles japonaises ou le continent américain. Le 5 avril 2009, la fusée a été lancée vers 2 h 30 TU (11:30 heures KST). L'United States Northern Command a affirmé que le premier étage de la fusée est tombé dans la mer du Japon, alors que l'autre partie de la fusée, de même que la charge, est tombée dans l'océan Pacifique, et qu'aucun objet n’est entré en orbite. Le missile a volé apparemment 3 000 km avant de tomber dans l'océan (les autorités nord-coréennes ont cependant affirmé sur leur site officiel que le satellite a bien été mis en orbite avec succès). Selon les analystes sud-coréens, le Taepodong-2 aurait parcouru au moins 3 200 kilomètres.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New stamp: Flowers Postage Stamp (IV)/Les nouveautés: Timbre de Fleurs (IV)

Issue date:12.05.2010
Date d'émission: 12.05.2010

Chunghwa Post previously issued three sets of definitive stamps on flowers on March 12 and October 14, 2009 and January 20, 2010, respectively. Now it is following up with a fourth set, featuring Bauhinia variegata, Euphorbia milii, Brunfelsia hopeana, and Plumeria rubra. The designs follow:

1. Bauhinia variegata. (NT$0.50)

This deciduous tree of the pea family (Fabaceae) is commonly known as the orchid tree, butterfly tree, or camel’s foot. Its leaves are either round or shaped like a wide heart with a cleft on both base and apex, so that they resemble the hoof of a goat. Its inflorescences, which are axillary, each have five pale pink petals, one with red purple veins. This sun-loving tree is a great ornamental and street tree.

2. Euphorbia milii (NT$9.00)

This evergreen shrub of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) is commonly known as crown of thorns. Its thick and erect stems are densely covered with thorns. Its leaves are long and ovate-shaped. What are commonly described as the plant’s flowers are actually brick-red bracts. The actual flowers are located inside the bracts and are either orange or yellow in color. Every part of the plant is poisonous. It prefers warm weather and is suitable to plant in containers or a hedge.

3. Brunfelsia hopeana (NT$13.00)

This evergreen shrub of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) is commonly known as manaca. Its leaves are elliptical to obovate. The blooms are blue at first and fade to white gradually, giving the plant two colors of flowers at the same time. The flowers send out a faint fragrance at night. The plant’s roots, bark, stems and leaves are poisonous. It prefers warm weather and is suitable for ornamental planting in gardens, large containers, or as a hedge.

4. Plumeria rubra (NT$17.00)

This small deciduous tree of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) is commonly known as frangipani. The plant has thick branches and possesses a toxic milky sap. Its leaves are broad lanceolate to long elliptical. Its fragrant flowers, creamy white with a yellow center, have five oval-shaped petals, which have a propeller-like arrangement. This sun lover has a long flowering season, making it a great garden specimen.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

FDC from Latvia/FDC de la Lettonie

Vancouver 2010

The 2010 Winter Olympics, officially the XXI Olympic Winter Games or the 21st Winter Olympics, were a major international multi-sport event held on February 12–28, 2010, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with some events held in the suburbs of Richmond, West Vancouver and the University Endowment Lands, and in the resort town of Whistler. Approximately 2,600 athletes from 82 nations participated in 86 events in fifteen disciplines. Both the Olympic and Paralympic Games were being organized by the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC). The 2010 Winter Olympics were the third Olympics hosted by Canada, and the first by the province of British Columbia. Previously, Canada hosted the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Quebec and the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta.

Following Olympic tradition, the Vancouver mayor then, Sam Sullivan, received the Olympic flag during the closing ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. The flag was raised on February 28, 2006, in a special ceremony and was on display at Vancouver City Hall until the Olympic opening ceremony. The event was officially opened by Governor General Michaëlle Jean.

For the first time, Canada won gold at an Olympic Games hosted at home, having failed to do so at both the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Canada clinched first overall in gold medal wins on the second to last day of competition and became the first host nation since Norway in 1952 to lead the gold medal count. With 14, Canada broke the record for the most gold medals won at a single Winter Olympics, which was 13, set by the former Soviet Union in 1976 and Norway in 2002.[4] The United States won the most medals in total, their second time doing so at the Winter Olympics, and broke the record for the most medals won at a single Winter Olympics, with 37, which was held by Germany in 2002 at 36 medals. Athletes from Slovakia and Belarus won the first Winter Olympic gold medals for their nations.

Les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 2010, officiellement appelés les XXIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver, se sont déroulés du 12 au 28 février 2010 à Vancouver, dans la province de la Colombie-Britannique au Canada. Le comité d'organisation, autant pour les Jeux olympiques que paralympiques, se nomme le COVAN (en anglais : VANOC).

Par la tenue des Jeux olympiques sur leurs terres ancestrales, quatre Premières nations sont hôtes de ces Jeux : les Lil'wat, Musqueam, Squamish et Tsleil-Waututh.

Ces Jeux olympiques sont les troisièmes organisés au Canada. Antérieurement, le Canada fut hôte des Jeux olympiques d'été de 1976 à Montréal ainsi que des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1988 à Calgary. Le village de Whistler, un des emplacements où se tiennent les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 2010, avait sans succès soumis sa candidature en 1976.

Suivant la tradition olympique, l'ancien maire de Vancouver, Sam Sullivan, a reçu le drapeau olympique durant les cérémonies de clôture des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 2006 à Turin. Le drapeau fut hissé le 28 février 2006 lors d'une cérémonie spéciale et est depuis exposé à la mairie de Vancouver jusqu'aux cérémonies d'ouverture qui se sont tenues le 12 février 2010.